Sunday, July 5, 2009


She is doing so much that she isnt supposed to. Please keep the prayers up!

Monday, June 22, 2009


I leave for the Virgin Islands trip tonight!
I leave at 11 tonight with Nana and Corrin. We will drive to Atlanta. We will arrive at the airport and fly from Atlanta to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. (about 30 minutes away from Miami). Brittney Carr (Corrin's cousin) will pick us up from there when we arrive and will take us to Brunch. Our flight doesn't leave for 4 hours once we get to Ft. Lauderdale. But, from there we will fly straight into St. Thomas!!!!!!!!
Thank goodness I am finally getting out of this small town. I love it but it gets old after a while. Especially when you have seen every single inch of this town.
Money has been saved.. & money will be spent. I guess babysitting and everything paid off!
I don't wanna leave Rayce and all of my friends for a week. But this is going to be a good experiece and I am extremely excited.. & I do NOT wanna leave my Peanut! I will miss my sweet baby girl. Hopefully she will be ok without her wonderful big sister!
Please keep us in your prayers while we will be flying and once we get down there.
I will miss everyone.!
P.S. MACKI- Hope Mackinzie is feeling better. Give her a kiss from her KK.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Caroline and Mackinzie's Play Day.

I know that it has been a while. I am sorry. There has been a lot going on this summer..

-Yesterday, Caroline and Mackinzie had there first "Play Day" together! Mackinzie and Caroline were on opposite time schedules for nap times, unfortunatly.. But they finally got up together for the last 15 minutes. They reacted pretty well to each other. Even though Mackinzie is only 3 weeks older than Caroline, she is still a level ahead of Caroline. Jealousy showed through a little bit from Mackinzie. But thats ok.. That just means that she loves her KK. But.. Here are some pictures of the each of them.. Not together.

My little Peanut!

P.S. -Virgin Islands trip in 5 days!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Hey people!
So.. I just got home from HOBY! For those of you who dont know what that is, it is Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Convention. It was quite an experience. I met a lot of new people and made a bunch of new friends! My group went to Gateway Thift Store for community service. It was a good experience. I am completely exhausted. It was like fitting a weeks schedule into 3 days. We never slowed down.
I am now thinking about going to a camp called Abby Robert's Sivitan Camp. I will go for a week somewhere near Hattisburg and be assigned a mentally challenged child for the entire week. I will entertain this child throughout the week and do projects with him/her. I think that it will be a wonderful experience. I also think that it will help me be all that I can be with Caroline and not have to think twice about something that I am doing. I think that this would be a very positive experience for me and will bring me even closer to my family. Rayce would like to go also, so maybe I can get some other people to join with us and go. Maybe I can even let Caroline go with us.!
Anyways.. Today I have a Post Surgery appointment. I will be going to the doctor at 3. Hopefully everything is going to look good to him!
Oh yeah... Im now....... a...... JUNIOR!!! Only two more years!
Have a great summer!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Been a while..

I know that it has been a while since I have posted an entry. I am sorry.
I had jaw surgery on Tuesday and I have been recovering and sleeping everyday. Yesterday was the first day I have gotten to get outside the walls of my house. The only other time is with Alex and she has had to practically carry me wherever we went. It was crazy. She has been making fun of me since I could actually get out of the house. I have so many good friends. Almost all of my friends came to see me while I was down. My boyfriend is....... WONDERFUL! He has been so attentive to me!

Caroline rolled from her stomach to her side by herself yesterday! We are so excited.. She is doing sooooo good. Thank you for your prayers..again.

Last Saturday-->Taylor's party.. BEST ONE ALL YEAR! A lot of people were there. Got to catch up with a lot of people.
Monday- We went snake hunting.. Me, Rayce, and a couple of other people =)
Yesterday- I went and took my chemistry exam.. Made 100.. yay! Im now a JUNIOR.. only 2 more years. Then I went to eat at subway with Meg. I slept at the Mexican restaurant haha. Then we went to Meg's swimming for our class party.. And then we went to the lake for another party. Quiet. Small. Good.

Going snake hunting tonight.. Me, Rayce, and a couple of other people... =)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Peaut is home..

Sorry to those of you who are upset about me not updating this past week. It has been very hectic. And also, to those of you who did not know.. Caroline is home and she is good. The doctors to LaBonheur didn't really tell us anything that we haven't already heard about. It wasn't suprising that they couldn't get anything else and better news, but it really hit all of us hard having to hear the results again. It's hard enough having anxiety about what is going on because you haven't heard from anyone in a couple of hours.. But it's even worse when you get the phone call with bad news, yet again.. GOOD NEWS though->Caroline has stopped seizing! Thank the Lord. I thank you for all of your prayers!

I am proud to say that the Central Academy Lady Vikings have won their first State Championship!!!!! YAY! We hosted the tournament and Lamar Christian, Kemper, and Russell Christian came to play. We took the win anyways! Caroline came.. Sweet thing. She got sunburned unfortunatly though. Oops. She is ok though. We had a lot of fun at the lake that night.. In honor of the softball girls.. Rayce and I stayed at my Daddy's.

Happy Mother's Day! Caroline was dedicated into the church. That was fun. She was good the whole time! We win the family award! We had the most family members show up! After church, everybody and their mother came to my Daddy's house for a huge celebration! Rayce and I couldn't stay but about 15 minutes. We went into town and spent time with his mother and the rest of his family.. Then after that, we came to my house. We then spent time with my mother! We made our rounds! It's hard having a significant other. You have to go more places on every holiday..

Anyways.. Surgery is next Tuesday.. I'm getting pretty nervous about the whole situation.. And I also hope that everyone has a great week!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Caroline is gone to LaBoneur.. Please keep our wonderful blessing in your prayers. Also, keep our family in your prayers. Daddy and Corrin need all the help that they can to stay strong!

I dont know what Peanut is going to do. She is going to have to sleep in her OWN bed.. That's a big step. She sleeps with Corrin and Dad or when I'm out there, she snuggles up with me. I guess she will be ok. Corrin has an emailing list that is going out. If you would like to be on it, let me know and I will do my best to get up with her to tell her or I will update you myself.

We're watching The Boy in the Striped Pajamas in history. Its good. I really like it so far. Its pretty sad on the other hand. Its about the Nazi's and the Concentration Camps that they set up for the Jews. A man gets hired for a higher position in the Nazi army and takes it. His son meets a Jew on the other side of the fence and doesn't know why he is there. The movie is about a Jewish child and the other boy getting to know each other through the fence and forming a bond. It was a horrible thing that the Nazi's did to the Jews and I do not agree with it at all. But this movie is good so far, and I think that everyone should watch it.

There is a board meeting tonight. HA! Wonder how this one will turn out.. Why is this such a big deal? Get over it. This is ridiculous that there is this much drama going on in one school. Like I said before, get over it and move on with your lives.

Keep us in your prayers!